Welcome to Love, Sex & Sensual Awakening!

I am so thrilled to have you here!

Tantra, a dynamic form of healing, holds potential benefits for everyone, regardless of gender. Embrace your authentic self and let the journey begin towards awakening your pleasure while nurturing your mind, body, spirit, and your sensuality!

Learn to say YES to PLEASURE. Let me help you find your inner DANCE.

I will walk this journey with you, every step of the way. I will be by your side. I will guide you and assist you on every turn. We will HEAL. We will TRANSFORM. We will be EMPOWERED.

Book your one-on-one or group session* today.

If you’re not satisfied with your sex life and you want to improve it, you’re in the right place!


I want to become a better lover and learn how to connect deeper while improving intimacy

I want to learn techniques that enhance my sexual and sensual experiences

I want to experience more pleasure, joy and happiness in all areas of my life, establishing more peace and inner peace with myself and my body

I want to heal sexual trauma and release the belief that I am broken or blocked sexually

Low Libido (Low Sexual Desire) - Low libido can be caused by stress, relationship issues, hormonal imbalances, medication side effects, fatigue, depression, anxiety, or a history of sexual trauma.

Erectile Dysfunction - Erectile dysfunction can stem from physical factors like diabetes or heart disease, psychological factors such as performance anxiety, medication side effects, or lifestyle choices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Premature Ejaculation - Premature ejaculation may result from anxiety, inexperience, relationship problems, erectile dysfunction, or an overactive pelvic floor.

Delayed Ejaculation - Delayed ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors, medication side effects, medical conditions, or an overactive pelvic floor.

Painful Intercourse - Painful intercourse may arise from physical factors like infection or injury, lack of pelvic mobility, psychological factors such as anxiety or trauma, or relationship issues.

Lack of Lubrication - Insufficient lubrication may result from hormonal changes like menopause, medication side effects, anxiety, or insufficient arousal.

Sexual Aversion - A sexual aversion may develop due to past sexual trauma, abuse, or negative experiences that lead to an aversion to sexual contact.

Incompatibility of Sexual Desires - Differences in sexual desire, expectations, or communication within a relationship can cause issues.

Body Image Issues - Negative body image, low self-esteem, or unrealistic societal standards can affect self-confidence in intimate situations.

Lack of Communication - Poor communication within a relationship can result in unmet needs or misunderstandings in the bedroom.

Infidelity and Trust Issues - Past infidelity, betrayal, or trust issues can hinder emotional and sexual intimacy in a relationship.

Sexual Orientation and Identity Confusion - Struggles related to understanding and accepting one's sexual orientation or gender identity can affect sexual intimacy.

Religious or Cultural Beliefs - Conflicting sexual values or beliefs due to one's religion or cultural background can lead to intimacy challenges.

Pornography Addiction - Overuse of pornography can lead to difficulties in real-life sexual experiences or unrealistic expectations.

Mismatched Sexual Preferences - Differences in sexual preferences, such as BDSM or role-play, can create tension in a relationship when not mutually agreed upon.

You’re not alone

  • Struggling to communicate can lead to misunderstandings and unmet needs, creating emotional stress.

  • A reduced sexual desire can strain relationships and lead to feelings of inadequacy or frustration.

  • Erectyle Dysfunction can cause feelings of embarrassment, performance anxiety, and hinder a healthy sex life.

  • Coping with premature ejaculation can result in sexual dissatisfaction and may lead to relationship tensions.

  • Negative body image can lower self-esteem, affect self-worth, and limit one's comfort in intimate situations.

  • A monotonous sexual routine may result in boredom and a lack of excitement in the bedroom.

  • Experiencing pain or discomfort can create anxiety around sexual encounters and strain relationships.

  • Differences in desires may lead to unfulfilled fantasies and disconnection between partners.

  • High stress levels and fatigue can impact one's overall well-being and make intimacy less appealing.

  • Unresolved conflicts and emotional distance can negatively affect one's overall quality of life.

  • Coping with past sexual trauma can be emotionally taxing and impact daily functioning.

  • Insufficient attention to foreplay can diminish the overall quality of sexual experiences, causing frustration and dissatisfaction.

  • The absence of emotional connection can lead to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction in life.

  • Feeling pressured to perform can cause anxiety and negatively impact one's self-esteem.

  • Over-reliance on pornography may lead to unrealistic expectations, impacting overall contentment and relationships.

  • Trust issues from past infidelity can weigh heavily on one's emotional well-being and relationship health.

  • Medication side effects can disrupt daily life and contribute to frustration and disappointment.


I was lost sexually and didn’t know why. I always felt as if something was missing or maybe I was broken. I would hear about these amazing sexual experiences and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t necessarily having them.  I mean I found sex good, but not amazing. There was a deeper connection I longed for, but if you ask me to explain what it was, I honestly couldn’t tell you.

I read a lot about Tantra. I picked up books and half read them. I needed accountability. I needed structure. I needed truth.  I mostly read a lot on Neo-Western Tantra, which seems to only want to teach me about better sex. Awesome, right? Well, no not really.

What I’ve learned is you have to heal from the root and not from the branches and this is what Authentic Tantra® taught me. It helped me heal all my deep-seated roots.

It showed me where my shame and guilt were. It pointed out how my culture conditioning manifested in my body. It taught me that pleasure was my birthright and how to tap into it.

Expect More

What if I told you that you CAN experience a fulfilled, blissful, and awakened sex life?

We live in a day and age where we have an abundance of sex improvement information, often leading to confusion and experimentation with ineffective methods.

I'm here to help alleviate the overwhelm by offering personalized one-on-one or group sessions dedicated to enhancing your awakened and blissful sex life.

You possess a powerful, vibrant sexuality, and you are worthy of experiencing a heightened, joyful, and deeply fulfilling awakened sex life.

Expect more from now on…

My sessions* are designed to help you:

  • Understand your partner's anatomy for a more satisfying and intensified orgasmic experience

  • Embrace sexuality as a spiritual and sacred journey

  • Improve your skills as a lover to deepen your connection and enhance your partner's pleasure

  • Explore achieving multiple orgasms as a couple for a more fulfilling sexual life.

  • Learn techniques that enhance your sensual and sexual experiences

  • Safely delve into your sexual fantasies and kinks within a supportive environment

  • Develop effective sexual communication to better understand and fulfill each other's desires and needs

  • Strengthen emotional connections and enhance overall intimacy in your relationship

  • Experience greater sexual fulfillment, pleasure, and understanding

  • Discover the potential of being multi-orgasmic

  • Heal from sexual trauma and release feelings of guilt and shame

  • Cultivate a deeper sense of connection and inner peace with yourself and your body

  • Embrace your full sexual expression as a woman

  • Achieve better, more intense orgasms without shame

  • Overcome feelings of sexual shame

  • Enhance communication and intimacy with your partner

  • Explore the possibility of orgasms during penetrative sex

  • Release beliefs of being sexually broken or blocked

  • Foster a love for your body and nurture your sensuality, regardless of body weight or age

  • Heal from trauma and overcome guilt and shame.

  • Address circumcision trauma if necessary

  • Address and correct sexual dysfunctions

  • Explore the benefits of lingam and prostate massage

  • Develop the ability to last longer during sex

  • Achieve multi-orgasmic experiences

  • Learn techniques to separate orgasm from ejaculation


How to work with me

I offer engaging sessions* tailored to your needs.

Whether you prefer a group setting or one-on-one interaction, I'm available for both in-person sessions* and convenient Zoom meetings*.

Choose the format that best suits your learning style and schedule.
