Living a Passionate Life
Living a Passionate life. How many of you call Bullshit on that? How many if you are lucky enough to find just a content life, and now here I am wanting you to have a passionate one as well. Who has time for that. You have work, kids and a lot of other things to concern yourself with. Passion, Child please. Go sit down somewhere. Am I right ☺. But take a moment and hear me out.
Passion what does that mean to you. When someone ask if you are living your passion. What comes to mind? Did you know there’s a different in creating more passion and living a passionate life?
Passion is one of those words that people use often and don’t understand what it means. When most people refer to “passion” they use it to mean strong emotions or intense desire. Passion is an emotion to be acted upon. Without action, passion yields no worthwhile results. Passion comes when you are being your AUTHENTIC Self and doing what comes naturally to you. When what you do is in alignment with who you are, you get energy from doing it. Unfortunately, do to all of life challenges we don’t know what that is anymore. I believe that passion is our SOUL SONG.
There was a study by Dean M. Busby on two forms of Passion. Obsessive and inhibited. “Obsessive sexual passion is defined as an extrinsically motivated desire to be sexual that is under-controlled so that it does not stay in harmony with other important aspects of life and causes difficulties with you and/or your relationships. Inhibited sexual passion is still a passion but by definition it is overcontrolled so that the individual is plagued by constant feelings of inhibition or hesitancy in expressing their passion”.
A study published in the Journal of Marriages and Family states that a couples’ sexual passion styles predict their levels of sexual satisfaction. The study shows that overcontrolling one’s passion tends to have a strong negative effect on sexual satisfaction for both partners.
There was a time in my life that I was happy to settle for a Content Life and sprinkling passion where and when I can, because like most I had work, bills to pay and was raising a family. Everyone isn’t luckily enough to make money doing what they are passionate about. If I have to guess I would say most of society is doing what they have to do.
So then, how do we live a more passionate life in the life that we have that might be void of that 7-letter word (P A S S I O N). Let’s discover together. Let me take you on a Journey of Reawakening and Rediscovering. Are You Ready to Create Magic. Let’s go